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«  September 2024  »

11:10 PM
Want to go to the zoo?

Just a fair warning to anyone who isn't strictly white oriented. If you decide to visit the San Diego Zoo, prepare to be harassed by lots of prejudice people. I had visited plenty of zoo's before, even the San Diego zoo & been there twice before & during 2016. I remember a couple of black students... one boy & one girl were researching fossils hidden all around the zoo. Then all of a sudden as I was watching them a few feet away, some rude old white man dressed in nothing but white stomps up behind the girl who was facing the boy, only to get their conversation rudely cut off by the white man who stomped the fossil, leaned in the girl's face & said...

"THIS is what you call a FOSSIL!" Then he walks off laughing to himself. Both the students I could tell were agitated by that pricks attitude. Then I hear the girl tell the boy, "...as if a black person never seen a fossil before. Bet he couldn't even tell us what kind of fossil it is." I couldn't blame her for getting pissed off. 

Another time I was walking around the zoo. I noticed a Japanese couple were trying to find one of the animals at the zoo. So they were about to try & get the attention of one of the employees, who looked like he didn't even wanna help them, so he stood where he was & kept looking at another white guy who ran up to him. He decided to help the white guy instead. Why...? Cause they were both white. That was only half of the rude part, cause I noticed the white guy who ran up to the white employee had stood with his back DIRECTLY facing the Jap couple, so that way the white employee would only pay 100% attention to him & wouldn't have to look at the Jap couple. Then before you know it both the white men quickly walk away immediately, as if trying to get the hell away from them. Right after this happened, then another white male employee laughs about the whole thing. 

Even though he decided to help them I felt that all that happened was down right evil. So I decided to never go back to that zoo ever again. If I had to visit a zoo, I would visit one elsewhere, where there isn't so many stupid annoying prejudice assholes. Now I will say not everyone is prejudice at the San Diego Zoo, but there will always be a few bad apples in the barrel if you know what I mean. So be very careful if you decide to go there & you're not of white orientation. 

Views: 9 | Added by: Toocidnab_Igarex | Tags: zoo, usa, San Diego, California | Rating: 0.0/0
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